1. How substantial a role do you feel diet plays in pain management? What is your top recommendation?

2. How substantial a role do you feel exercise plays in pain management? What is your top recommendation for style/duration/etc?
I'm as terrible at keeping up an exercise routine as the next person. I like to put aside the thought of 'exercise' and instead focus on movement. Stretching and walking can be the best things for pain management. Just be aware and reminds yourself to move your body! (Top Secret Tip: Dancing to your favorite music is the BEST for this.)
*Sore No More! is not a licensed physician. All information on this blog is researched by our staff and is subject to inaccuracies. No information found here should be used in the place of advice from your doctor. * Sore No More 150 East Center Street Moab, Utah 84532 Tel: (435) 259-5931 Toll Free: (800) 842-6622 www.sorenomore.com