Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Children With Chronic Pain

When you think of chronic pain, you probably think of adults with injuries or age related problems.  Maybe with an unpleasant condition that they’re forced to live with.   However, how often do we think of chronic pain in terms of children?

It is a sad fact that there are children who do suffer from chronic pain.   Some have sustained injuries, others have ailments that cause them pain.  Children can have a very difficult time dealing with chronic pain, especially when it interferes with school, sleep cycles and time with friends.  

These links will provide some information of children with chronic pain.

These article discuss the three most common types of chronic pain in children and teens; headaches, abdominal pain and musculoskeletal pain.  

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when you are interacting with a child with chronic pain is patience and empathy.  Anyone who has ever been in pain knows how frustrating it can be.  It is even more so for kids and teens who or of an age that is rarely associated with this type of pain.  Being supportive is vital to helping a child cope!


  1. It's a very helpful article, in my opinion; every mom should understand that being pregnant is a miracle, so they will take-care their children with a great love and understanding.
